Engineering Services

1. Requirements
For all good design, technical requirements are the foundation to any successful product or process. Getting the essence up front means a more market-ready product.
• Detailed Project Specification (Statement of Work, Technical Requirements, etc.)
• Project Management (Budget, schedule and costs)
2. Proof-of-Concept/Rapid Prototype
The ability to create a physical concept will aid in a product’s lifecycle. The ideas generated and learned at this early stage improve a product’s release risk.
• Receive a “napkin-sketch” and create prototypes
• Ability to create quick-turn concept components
3. Design Engineering
A product’s heart is a solid, cost-effective design. Focusing on a product’s requirements and enhancing them is key in a product’s lifecycle.
• Detailed electromechanical product development
• 3D CAD Models, Drawings and Assemblies (SolidWorks)
• Ability to co-design with constant, consistent communication
4. Process Engineering (DFM)
Detailed analysis of both design and manufacturability is an area that requires knowledgeable application of engineering principles.
• Service to ensure optimum manufacturability
• Work closely with customers for existing and future considerations and anticipations
5. Procurement Planning
We continuously strive to improve on-time delivery and reduce costs through customer-focused Supply Chain Solutions.
• Inventory Stocking Solutions
• Customer Forecasting
• Lifecycle Management
• Vendor Reductions
• Consolidated Shipments
• Design Registration and Special Pricing Agreements
6. Manufacturing
We utilize skilled operators to manufacture products to the expected quality standards to ensure customer satisfaction.
• Detailed work instructions to assure standardization in production processes
• Trained to industry standards
• Continuous improvement
• ISO certified
• On-time shipments
7. Service and Support
The tireless commitment for an A-level product to be produced every time.
• Continuation of engineering services
• End of life component sourcing
• Design improvements
• Manufacturing improvements
Providing services for every
step in a product’s lifecycle
Engineering and Production problem solvers
Personalized Distribution Services